Thursday, April 16, 2009

Letter from a starving child

Hello, hola, marhaban, jambo, ni hao, namaste,
konnichi wa, ya’at’eeh,

My name is Lindsey, Juan, Amani, Matu, Guiren , Shanti, Akira, Olathe,

I live in America, Honduras, Iraq, Kenya, China, India, Nepal, Japan, on the Reservation,

I am five, eleven, eight, fifteen, two, seven, thirteen, three years old.

I am hungry.

My mother is a crack addict, a refugee, a widow, dying of AIDS, unable to find work , a prostitute, beaten, hopeless, an alcoholic.

My father is unable to find work, gone, a soldier, an alcoholic, doing the best he can, a drug addict, a farmer, abusive, dead.

I am hungry.

Outside my window I see concrete and dirt, I see trees and scrawny chickens, I see war, I see tin shanties and empty water spigots, I see smog, I see children not much older than me selling themselves, I see dying villages, I see factories, I see dust and trailers.

I am hungry.

But I am just a child so I believe that things will get better. I have hope that someone will help me, will help my family. I do not understand why I am hungry.

Soon I will give up.

Soon I will work in the fields or the streets.

Soon I will get sick.

Soon I will die.

But not yet.

Please help me.

I am just like your child. I cannot help myself.

I am just like your child except…

I am hungry.

Every minute children all over the world are dying of malnutrition and neglect. In just 1 minute you can make a difference that may actually save a child’s life. Not a child on a commercial, or in an ad, or created by a campaign. A real child just like you were, just like your own…with hopes, and dreams, and small fingers and toes, and eyes that see, and a desire to live longer than just tomorrow.

Take just 1 minute and give just 1 dollar. Together You and I and Heifer International can help them.

Please. It only takes 1.

For resources on how to help visit

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About Me

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Mother of four, purveyor of cookie dough, interior decorator, activist, expert bed jumper.